



“To be a negro in this country and 

to be relatively conscious is to be in 

a rage almost all the time.”

- James Baldwin


(Reprinted from the READING and WRITING in the DARK Newsletter Vol.1 - No. 3 September 2022)

What is good poetry, and WHO decides?

I struggle with poetry.


There, I said it. 

I think a lot of people (myself included), say they like to write poetry, and I guess that’s fair. As I think about poetry however, sometimes I catch feelings. I have read many articles and watched a lot of videos about poetry and what makes a good poem.

I read recently that poems that rhyme are now trite and seem ‘dated’, and that most people who read them don’t consider it serious poetry anymore. Fair enough. I don’t see rap necessarily as “poetry” or many songs for that matter, but when strictly looking at the lyrics a LOT of people seem to like it and the fact that it rhymes. I have to admit that in pop music, something like, say, Take The Long Way Home from Supertramp’s Breakfast in America Album is one of the most poetic pieces I’ve ever read.

I and an author friend of mine were discussing writing, as we often do, and she talked about someone in particular (a white man), who insisted that if she wanted to be a good writer, she would need to first become familiar with the works of Agatha Christie and other such writers. For what she writes, and the way she writes, and especially her target audience, she didn’t see a lot of use in such a thing, and I agree. 

So yes, we can study Shakespeare, Longfellow, Bryant and Post, or even Angelou, Hughes, or Rita Dove and Tracy K. Smith, but ultimately the power of a poem is going to be decided first, in my opinion, by the poet who wrote it, and then, by those who read or hear it, and it will be their decision as to the validity of the work. 

At the end of the day, I think a good poem is like a good song, or a good meal or a good ANYTHING ... HIGHLY subjective.

I had to figure that out as I wrote the poems for my upcoming book of poetry (with some other stuff thrown in), Poems, Thoughts and Machinations. I was so self-conscious about my poetry that I started to get in my own way—but ultimately, I just said “Screw it! I’ll write what I like, and if no one likes it but ME—there will be ONE PERSON who likes it. So, keep your eyes peeled, it will be here sooner than you think, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I genuinely enjoyed writing it!

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Dead and Dying Illusions

Sun, 27 Aug 2023

I’m presently working on a ‘secret’ project, though at any given time I’m always working on a few. I have to admit the one I’m working one I’m referring to has slowed down because it requires far more research than I believed it would need at the outset and the more I'm finding out, the more I'm finding out—and ain't NONE OF IT GOOD! I will say that the project pertains to the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the subsequent irradiation of the planet, as the facility that has been spewing radiation for over a decade, and continues to do so, is affecting everything on the planet from sea life, to weather patterns, and life on the planet globally. There is no judgment to be made on these findings. One can only judge the UNKNOWN... when a thing is KNOWN it is a truth of fact and requires no judgment.

The devastating facts about manmade radiation and its effects are largely hidden and even suppressed by those in control. Why is this monumentally earthshaking event and the aftermath of it hidden from the public?

Those in charge of the planet MUST keep this colossal blunder hidden because it would threaten their already tenuous position in the world and the dubious narrative they have crafted for and about themselves over countless centuries. Western medicine is a PERFECT correlation to their overall view of life.

Just as with their high-tech gadgets, they can diagnose the CRAP out of what is ailing a person. Same with psychological evaluations, same with just about everything. 

But their abject unwillingness to admit who and what they are forever puts ANY solution beyond their reach! I think of the song “Rich Men North of Richmond”, which is a fair assessment of the politics, ineptness, and outright corruption of the country’s political “leaders”.  However, for as close to the bullseye as those lyrics are... the problem is twofold:

One: This situation is what it is because white people were unwilling to fight the ‘system’ that was granting them privilege as long as it was pressing down on the necks of Black people, and it seemed it would always ONLY be that way. So not only did they not seek to change it, but they elected and put in place individuals and helped pass legislation that ASSISTED it in destroying us. Now that the trap is sprung and they see it was designed to screw EVERYONE but the select few, they’re angry and saying we all need to join hands to fight because it isn’t about race, it’s about class.

Yeah… naw… I’ll just sit this one out.

Two: One of the most fundamental rules about change is that before a problem can be solved one must ADMIT there is a problem. The problem being in this case that due to insecurity, conditioning, nature… whatever it is… EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH eventually turns to SHIT, But they want to be perceived globally as the greatest, the most civilized, the most beautiful, the smartest in the room and the standard by which all others should be judged. They want to either BE or be RECOGNIZED as GOD. (This is not hyperbole; they have for CENTURIES proven this to be their goal with their every action).

And so, we get down to Fukushima and the destruction of the eco-system, irradiation of the planet and pending system collapses of every kind.

It’s tough to be recognized as perfect and as a god when you have for centuries been arguably the ones who have been in CHARGE and EVERYTHING you have had a hand in is a gargantuan MESS!

THAT’S why even as they recognize it, they won’t admit it and cover it up.

(And the fact they want to wipe out those of us who do not worship them or are of no use to them).

Are WE a people who are deranged?

"I think we should not attempt a plan unless we can poison food sufficient to kill a half a million men, since there is no doubt that the actual number affected will, because of non-uniform distribution, be much smaller than this."  -  J. Robert Oppenheimer, from his letter dated: May 25, 1943.

I could never in my wildest nightmares imagine a Black person even conceiving such a thing. Let alone casually saying it as a matter of course. But for Europeans and colonizers those sentiments come out of them so easily it is disconcerting. You cannot pull out of a person what is not IN them. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (Matthew 12:34)

Our people MUST understand that not ONLY are we dealing with a people who mean us no good, but that they have as one of their objectives, maintaining an idealized image of themselves that only exists in their mind and black and white television shows of the 50’s and early 60’s. That image has absolutely NO foundation in reality, and that they are grasping tooth and nail to that image because they HAVE to, otherwise they lose the facade of being the standard and would eventually find themselves having to navigate on a playing field that is genuinely level. One that without assistance and privilege (given to themselves), they would be unable to compete. Moreover, they would no longer be able to receive the worship they so deeply need and desire.

But they WILL be stopped and when the mask is finally removed and their plan for us falls apart, they’ll collectively say, “And we would have gotten away with it too if it hadn’t been for The Most High and these meddling ProBlacks!”

As Marimba Ani said, "Anything you can think of (and even things you can't – as my wife Angela and I add), they will DO and already HAVE done. I think one of the problems our people have is the inability (not through any fault of our own, but because by nature we are not cut that way), to understand or relate to the absolute BOTTOMLESSNESS of their capacity for evil. In fairness, many of them, speaking of wyte people, (in my opinion) don't reach it, or even approach those unimaginable depths... but the CAPACITY for it is there in a way that does not exist for OUR people.


It is like discussions of various dimensions where it is hypothesized that beings on various dimensional planes can only be aware of others relative to their plane and lower. ie. A 1-dimensional being cannot perceive a 2 dimensional being who cannot perceive a 3 dimensional being and so on. But a 4 dimensional being CAN perceive beings on 4,3,2 and 1. A 3 dimensional can perceive 2 and 2, etc.

What I’m saying (in my typical long winded, roundabout way), is that our oppressor operates at a level of evil that we cannot even PERCEIVE, while they can from their level perceive US and our limitations when it comes to depravity and wickedness. That’s one of the reasons, I believe, they are able to outmaneuver us when it comes to evil. That is also, in my opinion, the reason our people never cease to be surprised at the depths to which they sink. Every time we think they have done the most evil, evil that evil can produce, they go a step farther. Because we are unable to see the cache from which they are able to draw… one the majority of us have no idea exists, and even if we did, we would not know how to even access it, just like if we were trying to access the 4th dimension.

That is why those of us who seek to understand what exactly is going on with those entities grapple with the things they do and are capable of. We unfortunately – or FORTUNATELY as it were – have no point of reference and no understanding of the vastness and limitlessness, when it comes to those levels of evil.

But before I seem like I’m giving them TOO much credit or power… it also works in the REVERSE in terms of love, honor, brilliance, creativity, a connectedness with nature, the universe, and the Creator of same. For THEM, it is a mystery they can’t unlock because just as with a 3 dimensional being seeking to speculate about a 4th dimension… they can speculate, they can hypothesize, they can imagine… but they cannot KNOW the way WE know. Just as their savagery and barbarism is a MYSTERY to us that far too many of us are unaware of—OUR capacity for love, forgiveness, kindness, brilliance, and connectedness is a mystery to THEM. Something they covet and hate us for by the way.

Again… our people not being able to engage on their level is NOT our fault. How can a 3 dimensional being be blamed for never perceiving a 4th dimension… especially when that is something that has never been a question to be readily pondered?

By the way… the cache of evil, wickedness and depravity from which THEY draw… we have the counterpoint to that which is a cache of love, spirituality, and brilliance.

Alright Iyapo… you’re s’ damn smart! How is it that there ARE Black people who commit unspeakable atrocities on the same level as any wyte person?! And wyte people who are capable of artistic brilliance and brilliances in the sciences, and powerful “shows” of compassion?! 


They draw from their cache and bring it into this reality… based upon our proximity to them our people access it (the evil) THROUGH THEM.

And VICE VERSA – they access the positive aspects from US based upon their proximity to us.

But in BOTH cases, it is against the natures of the given people… and very difficult to sustain (though some on both sides manage to do so). (Though it would seem – on THIS side anyway – that it is far easier to corrupt a good person than it is to turn to good, a wicked one).

The Necessity of Understanding Controlled Opposition

Sun, 13 Aug 2023

I’m more convinced each day that it is IMPARATIVE that our people learn precisely what CONTROLLED OPPOSITION is. The PURPOSE for it and how it works! I am seeing THAT and materialism as our two GREATEST weaknesses and downfalls! We MUST begin thinking critically and asking QUESTIONS.

Reality of the situation: “We are existing within a system we KNOW is bent on our destruction, and those in control of it silence voices of descent at will… something that has been proven time and time again.” 

Critical thinking question: 


Certain voices are allowed to FLOURISH in THEIR construct – given the context of the Reality of the Situation statement – can those voices (allowed and promoted by the system that is working to destroy me), be helpful or revolutionary in ANY WAY?!

Why are THOSE voices not silenced?

Those HUGE platforms SEEM to be speaking out against the SoWS. However – are those voices speaking out in terms of SEPARATION from the system? Or are they just “talking bad” about white people, clowning them or, symbolically drinking “white tears” from a cup? (Available for sale on their merch site). We laugh, we cheer, we shout enthusiastically at our screens in affirmation from the digital ‘amen corner’ without taking into consideration that for all the clowning and negative remarks about our oppressor, all of that is doing ZERO to bring down this system, change our position within it, or empowering us and encouraging us to separate from it. Instead the narrative leans toward asking for/begging for/demanding more “fairness and justice” within a corrupt system in order to integrate further into it? Is the ask, for more equality and the ability to take equal part in the “American Dream”?


Given the “Reality of the Situation”, why would we look to those who have proven, with zero ambiguity that they detest and hate us, and they only want us around to the degree that we are controlled by them and under their boot, and that they in NO WAY view us as equals, but in the same breath say to our people, “Here, we have a religion for you because we CARE SO MUCH ABOUT YOU that we want you to live ETERNALLY in PARADISE.” (Ok… you want us to live eternally in paradise, but in the meantime, you do everything you can to make life a living HELL for us HERE).


Given the “Reality of the Situation”, why would I listen to those who have made war upon me and sought and continue to seek (having gone as far as to put it in writing), my downfall, but believe them when they say, “Eat this sea moss! It is a SUPER FOOD that will cure what ails you!”


“But it is BLACK people who are promoting the sea moss!” you say?

As with weapons, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and any number of processed, genetically altered garbage that is doing nothing but tearing us down… show me ONE Black person who is the actual MANUFACTURER of said items. We may buy and sell them to each other in food deserts… or online (in the case of sea moss), but we don’t MAKE ANYTHING. Please introduce me to the Black person with the fishing boat off the coast of Japan who is gathering the sea moss?


I’ll wait.

My point is that our people unfortunately, seem to be easily manipulated by titles, fame, money, and shiny things. When (within the context of this present system), we are thinking of it BACKWARD. It is the ones with the SMALLER voices… the HIDDEN and SUPRESSED voices we should be seeking out. Granted, that is not true in EVERY case… but I can pretty much guarantee that platforms with HUGE voices and HUGE reach are likely 99% controlled opposition. Even the great Neely Fuller HIMSELF said in an interview that he knew he was not effective. When asked by the host why he would say that when his work is so well revered among many, Fuller said simply, “I know I’m not effective, because I’m still alive.” 

Let that sink in.

There is a REASON the voices like that of Ajali Shabazz, tireless freedom fighter against the devastation caused by manmade radiation, had her YouTube channels – few in subscribers, relatively speaking when it comes to some – were pulled down. There is a REASON my own channel, geared toward the safety, security and sanity of our people through separation, has been in existence for over five years and still has yet to gain a thousand subscribers. No, it isn’t because our channels are boring, uninformative, or lame… anyone who has seen our content can attest to that.


It is because what we talk about is SEPARATION and RADIATION and what can REALLY help our people and save and liberate Black lives and minds!


But having studied for YEARS white people have raised manipulation to an art form. They know that in suppressing a voice the masses will look and say “Look how few, likes, subs and views… they must not be about anything.” And will look at a gossip channel and/or faux “Black Empowerment” channel that has over 100k to over a million subs and say, “They’re so popular! They must be talking sense and telling the TRUTH!” When it is the EXACT OPPOSITE.

We MUST keep in mind we exist within a SYSTEM that PROMOTES or DEMOTES platforms!


Critical thinking: Is a system that has PROVEN and CONTINUES to prove it is bent on your destruction going to allow ANYTHING to get to the masses that would ACTUALLY cause a revolution and serious consideration of SEPARATING from them so that we are no longer controlled by them?!

I have a theory about reparations. 


That said. I believe that if and when our people DO get them – if EVER – it will ONLY be after, the U.S. at least, has gone to a DIGITAL CURRENCY that they have the power to completely control. Then they will be HAPPY to give it to our people. Because as per their goal, even if we HAVE the money, THEY will be in control of what we are doing with it, in terms of investment, moving around internationally, purchasing homes etc. and with 100% ability to monitor our spending and more importantly, the ability to TURN OUR MONEY OFF AT WILL. Do this… do that… don’t say this… don’t say that… put this thing in your body… you are only allowed to eat or drink this thing… or else we will turn your money off because you are a dissident.


Ultimately it was NEVER a case of white people not wanting us around. They LOVE having us around when we are under their boot, under their control and in their service. When was the last time you heard white people in mass dispiriting Candace Owens, Tim Scott, Billy Porter, Wayne Brady, Charles Barkly and even Snoop Dogg (who is joined at the hip with Martha Stewart)?! You DON’T. The same with weapons, drugs, money and anything else… as long as they have control of it, they have ZERO issues with it.

I will close with this:

Imagine you had an enemy who you wanted dead above all else.


Imagine that enemy was blindfolded and walking toward the edge of a cliff that leads to a fall some 100 feet to the rocks below.

Now imagine that as your enemy is walking you realize that in front of them there are walls, rocks and boulders that would serve as obstacles between them and the edge of the cliff.


What would you do, given that you WANT them DEAD above ALL ELSE?!

You would, to the best of your ability, GET THOSE OBSTACLES OUT THEIR WAY SO THEIR PATH TO THE EDGE WOULD BE CLEAR! As the person is walking blindfolded, they are thinking they are going in the right direction because the path is so clear and easily navigated. (The obstacles represent those of us out here trying to warn about the radiation, the depravity and destructive actions that are causing our people to suffer and perish – WE are the obstacles being moved).

What if that enemy you want dead should start turning around and walking AWAY from the edge? THAT is when you would tell the blindfolded person that the most dangerous thing they can do is to remove the blindfold, and to just follow your voice and let you them lead. (Which of course, you would tell them confidently and caringly to turn around and keep walking forward – knowing you are leading them off the cliff and to the death you desire for them).

You have a platform Black person? It’s harmful to you and your people… HERE! Let me move those obstacles out your way!

YOU have a platform Black person? Is it HELPFUL to your people?! No, no, we need to get you turned around! Now come the walls and boulders meant to make us turn back toward the edge… but we WON’T!


(Unless of course we choose to put the blindfold back on and trust the sound of the enemy’s voice. If that’s the case… see you at the bottom).

Are You Happy Yet?!

Sat, 8 Jul 2023

This blog entry is from a comment I left on the AFRIKAN EXODUS broadcast on Youtube. The title of the video is: America: An Illuminati Conspiracy. (I altered the text a little to make it congruent).

Excellent broadcast. In the end montage I LOVE how Schwab talks about what chaos and disorder the world is in, and that what is needed is something to bring the world into cohesion, and that they have a plan to fix it. That's like me breaking into your home and then ransacking the place, spray painting the walls, breaking your dishes and tearing up everything so that it looks like a tornado went through it, then telling your family how much of a mess and a shambles your home is in - BUT I own a cleaning company that will come in and fix it up (now keep in mind, no one is ASKING ME to do ANYTHING), and from now on, my cleaning company will keep your house clean (the house that's a wreck because I wrecked it), and all you have to do is sit back and let MY cleaning crew take care of it. And oh, by the way, that means I'll have to take possession of your house and I'll dictate what rooms you can go to and when, what you can and can't eat, when you can and can't sleep etc. But it's all for your own good, so don't worry about it. 

We are already seeing the beginnings of "You will own nothing and be happy" It’s happening in a way that is scattered on large and small scales so that each thing looks isolated, but if you look at the whole picture, you can see how the pieces are fitting together. People are losing their homes in high numbers and are being turned from being owners to renters, DVD's and Blu rays are going the way of the dodo so people can't buy copies of movies to keep anymore, but you’re free to pay monthly on streaming platforms that are ever growing. Remember when you could once buy a television and have all the shows you wanted? Now, the boob tube has been TOTOALLY turned into a propaganda machine (though admittedly, it probably already was). And now people are having to pay monthly to stream content they used to be able to watch for free. People are no longer finding solid work situations from which they can retire, or owning their own businesses (especially if you’re Afrikan – and I’m presently talking mostly about the U.S.) in a way, having OWNED their job, even as an employee if you think about it) to now, working for temp agencies, or driving Uber and Lyft, being delivery people and so on… basically “RENTING” their jobs. We used to be able to go to a computer store and purchase software like the Adobe graphics suite, or Microsoft Office and you had them on your computer and owned them, now those widely used software, and many new apps are by monthly subscription so if you want to use them you have to pay monthly or yearly in perpetuity.

And if you want to take it a step farther and stretch it a little… through processed foods, the SAD (Standard American Diet), fast food and GMO’d mess, people’s HEALTH is being destroyed. So the one thing anyone can own for outright their HEALTH is being changed to something rented, how? Through having to pay monthly doctor’s bills (in the U.S.) through high priced medical care, and eventually having to take daily medications that don’t heal. And let’s not forget the little thing they’re trying to force the world into that will require “boosters” yearly or bi-yearly… so you can’t even own your HEALTH.

And what happens when you own nothing and are unable to pay and are basically renting, or dependent upon someone else for everything? Your services are just cut off - or even if you ARE able to pay, and you step outside their “guidelines” or “terms”, they can just cut you off at will. That way, they have FULL control of you.

Which is actually their end goal isn’t it?

So, they are already moving us in the direction of not owning anything.

Happy yet?

I must confess, I find it an incredibly difficult undertaking to get to the truth in a world so full of lies. I have determined that at the end of the day ALL my faith, hope and trust is in YAH and YAH ONLY. I gather information and weigh it almost non-stop, but as I said… at the end, I only trust Yah to lead and guide me, have mercy upon me and take me through the nightmare, that is this present system.

The problems with surface level thinking

Tue, 2 May 2023

I saw a post on YouTube that featured a man identifying himself as “Hispanic”, explaining the difference between his people and Black people and why they are able to do better in the U.S. (or at least among their own people), than Black people are.

This kind of talk is one of my main triggers!

It is the WORST kind of unexamined, analysis lacking, surface thinking CRAP our people are subjected to 25/8/366.

The REAL question is: (In America at least), what other race has been under CENTURIES of oppression, marginalization, terror, and has an entire govt and system that ACTIVELY works against them?! A system that has grown more sophisticated and advanced in its approach. A system that has become more entrenched and fortified with each passing decade. Oh sure… every “minority” gets grief, but Black people are very specifically TARGETED for destruction and are bombarded cradle to grave with images and media that tells us NON-STOP that ‘we ain’t shit’ : Like the clip highlighted. It is wrapped in the GUISE of being ‘helpful’ but is actually just yet ANOTHER in the propagandistic, problematic, slaps in the face telling our people basically that WE are THE problem, and we are A problem, and we just can’t get our shit together (the undertone being: because everyone else is somehow better than us).

Wrong answer.

As a people, we go to SUCH great lengths to try to distance ourselves from the “Pookies, Ray Rays and LaQuitas, that we lean ALL the way to the other side and start throwing our own people under the bus. When the fact is that if we were to get out from under the forces of this System of White Supremacy, once we distance ourselves from it, the saner we become.

Scientists and psychologists did studies with rats to see what would happen if they were put in close quarters and given limited resources. Of course, levels of violence exploded and there were overall demonstratively negative results. 


So, what did white society do? They designed communities based upon that model for the express purpose of getting our people to the point at which we are right now so that not ONLY would it (in their minds), justify their brutality against us, but so that it would have the same effect on everyone ELSE… INCLUDING OUR OWN PEOPLE! 

And it worked like a CHARM!

I often refer to an OVER TWENTY-YEAR study pertaining to homicide in the middle and upper class that showed that in OVER TWENTY YEARS, ZERO homicides were committed by Black people who were not piled on top of each other and just living life without being in a pressure cooker in addition to the racism we ALL are subject to. OVER TWENTY YEARS… ZERO by Black people on ANYONE Black, white or anything else.


After that study, no other study of that kind was ever done again.

Gee… I wonder WHY?!

Probably because society knows that the result will once again be nearly the same. Thus, PROVING ONCE AGAIN that our people are not inherently violent or the worst there are, but that it is the circumstances in which we have been forced and continue to live (by DESIGN of a SoWS), that has created this problem and perpetuates it.

 And for those who would say, “We need to just ‘snap out of it’” I say, that is like telling our people we need to just ‘snap out’ of speaking ENGLISH. We were RAISED in it, SURROUNDED by it, TAUGHT it, and IMMERSED in it from the moment we were BORN. HOW are we supposed to speak anything ELSE? And how could we even know whether we have an option NOT TO? And even if we exercised that option, learning an entirely new language is more than a notion and infinitely more difficult and involved than just saying “You need to speak your native language.” 

We were born and RAISED in this mess and are bombarded NON-STOP with this, but we are supposed to somehow magically “snap out of it”. 

I wish our people would come off this surface level thinking. If anything, THE SURFACE THINKING and LACK OF ANALYSIS is the reason we are not moving forward, NOT that we are behaving in a way in which we have been trained, surrounded by and groomed in for CENTURIES, and CONTINUE to be.

From the time of Lincoln (and INCLUDING Lincoln), before and during the Civil War, the thought among the enslavers was that Black people would be a problem if “freed” and that it would result in deleterious effects to the union. They determined that rather than emancipating, we should be sent back to the continent (as some were when sent to Liberia until it was found to be financial and logistically problematic). Which says TWO things. Their mindset is that if they can’t have us under their boot, they feel we are of absolutely no use to them… AND… that their DREAM is a country without us in it (Black people who are now BORN in America). And so, unable (or unwilling) to ship us back as they originally wanted, their next solution was to either re-enslave us (which they actually did through convict leasing and share cropping—share cropping being particularly heinous and demonic, because before our people were forced to work with no compensation under slavery, were now placed in a position where we were PAYING to be enslaved), marginalize and ultimately annihilate us.

And that is why I write! I’m trying to do my part in helping our people get control of our narrative so that we stop buying into EVERYONE ELSE’S conveniently destructive narrative about our people!

I think it might be helpful to check out my blog entries: BAD Programming! and MORE Bad Programming! Viruses, Malware and Spyware where I break down what has happened to the minds of our people and why we behave the way we do.

Like I said, statements like this trigger me in a way that runs DEEP, because it is SO disingenuous and self-serving for those who push that narrative! I want DEEP well thought out analysis about our people and our condition by people like Dr. Amos N. Wilson, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Malcolm X, Neely Fuller Jr. and others, who have ACTUAL love, honor, respect and concern for our people, and are honest about the challenges and don’t sugar coat the problems… but ALWAYS putting them within the CONTEXT of a system that was DESIGNED to do harm and destruction to our people. Moreover, they offer SOLUTIONS for the problems, that is why I will listen to THEM and not surface level shade tree philosophers who have ZERO genuine love or concern for our people and who ONLY speak to the EFFECTS and not the CAUSE, and further offer NO solutions! And saying “Ya’ll need to do better isn’t a solution.” That’s like me looking at someone who has just been shot and saying, “You need to get that bullet out of you.” WHILE their still being shot and looking at them like they are wrong because they won’t stop bleeding! And then going on my merry way as if stating that OBVIOUS FACT is somehow helpful. 

It is not.

I hasten to add, that ALL this is being said at the same time the person who SHOT them and is continuing to shoot them is standing right there, but ZERO FOCUS or blame is being placed upon THEM.

Little messages like the one that provoked this writing only serve as a vehicle for “big upping” their people (whatever the race) as the ones who supposedly “have their shit together”, and joining the pile one that makes a career out of dumping on Black people. EVEN if the speaker is Black or “FBA” or “ADOS” or what have you. The result is STILL the same. “Everyone else has their shit together, and Black people just can’t seem to do it.” (Underlying message: because there is something SO inherently wrong with us).

I will NEVER be part of that pile on!

One of the first steps in our liberation is to stop accepting the narratives of others who hate us and internalizing them. We need to REJECT them out of hand, no matter HOW on point they may SOUND. What is the underlying reason for the statement or message? Are they given context? Are there any ACTUAL solutions being offered?

If not, then what is being said is only propaganda. It would do well for our people to know that. 


Wed, 8 Mar 2023

All Pimp Preachers aren’t in the pulpit of mega churches on Sunday Mornings.

The new Pimp preachers now saturate the airwaves, social media and YouTube.

I have heard many say, “YEAH! TELL IT! They’re talkin’ ‘bout the wyte man and he’s mad! He or she is drinking out of cups that say “wyte people tears”, and they’re cutting them down by calling them out!”

If one does not understand CONTROLLED OPPOSITION then they will forever fall for the trappings of the silver-tongued hucksters who know exactly what to say to their chosen audience.

The entire rational when it comes to controlled opposition is to give the ILLUSION that one is doing something (making so called funny remarks, or resorting to playground banter and behaving like a juvenile, calling wyte people names, building so called “schools” and “museums”, making calls for reparations (WHICH ARE DIFFINITELY, 100% OWED TO OUR PEOPLE – but to what end? So that we can be more a part of this corrupt system? Is that not EXACTLY the end goal of the c@@n?)

So ALL of those actions fall squarely in the realm of SYMBOLIC GESTURES, something the government itself has ZERO issue giving to our people. Why? Because they KNOW it doesn’t mean, or do diddly SQUAT to actually ASSIST our people!

How to know if you are dealing with a pimp preacher.

First off, Pimp Preachers know the word INSIDE OUT, BACKWARD, FORWARD and SIDEWAYS and can quote scripture and give a breakdown at ANY MOMENT on demand. We give them credibility because they are able to speak so authoritatively and in depth about their given hustle… uh, I mean SUBJECT. The same is true for so called “problack” hustlers, gender war hustlers, and on down the line. They seem SO “down” as they dazzle their audience with info and stats. They MUST be down for the cause… right?!


 what is the word? Being able to rattle off the names of ancestors effortlessly, times, dates, background information, and the ability to SAY everything that strikes a cord and makes perfect sense for their audience. (And what they’ll be saying is true and right, or with JUST ENOUGH truth to make it sound credible – so what’s the problem?) The problem isn’t the information but the SOURCE of said information and the fact they USE it as a HUSTLE and for MANIPULATION that ultimately leads ONLY to THE HUSTLER’S aggrandizement!

So sure… they NEED to have deep knowledge of their subjects… far deeper than that of their audiences. If they didn’t have a DEEP knowledge of their subject, there is no way their hustle could be effective!

2. They are living their best lives (usually materially and financially, but also, not always, but probably, in their own personal lives), while the advise (Yeah… I spelled it that way on purpose), they are dispensing is in DIRECT contradiction to the way the hustlers are handling THEIR lives. But they are living differently, while their advise (Yeah, I spelled it that way on purpose AGAIN) is WRECKING the lives of their “disciples”. Does ANYONE believe that the CEOs of the companies that make breakfast cereals or other  processed garbage actually feed that crap to themselves and their FAMILIES?! No freakin’ WAY! They advertise it to YOU. Tell YOU why YOU should buy it and eat it. Sweeten and process the CRAP out of it so that you get a taste for it and can’t stop eating it, though it is actually doing untold harm to you as they tell YOU how good it is for you and on and on… but THEY wouldn’t touch that crap with a TEN FOOT POLE because they KNOW what they’re saying and doing is B.S.! Same for the pimp preachers and “gurus”.

3.  They don’t BELIEVE in any of what they’re saying, and their lives and actions PROVE it.

Does ANY THINKING person believe that CanDance REALLY BELIEVES the B.S. she spews?!?!

Of COURSE not!

She found her hustle and she’s doin’ it to DEATH!

I’ve said MANY, MANY times that I believe that most of these megachurch preachers and pimp preachers around town are actually ATHIEISTS. There is no way they could actually BELIEVE what they are teaching and live the lives they do and conduct their personal affairs as they do and believe what they’re telling YOU every Sunday morning? By that same token… WHY are we so surprised when we have someone giving problack talking point after problack talking point only to find out their husband or wife, mother-in-law or father-in-law are wyte? Or they say STAY AWAY FROM BLACK MEN or BLACK WOMEN only to find out they are in relationships with Black men or Black women?!

Just as the pimp preachers bang on the alphabet community, then it turns out they’re PART of it. They preach clean living, but die from drug overdoses, give marriage counseling, but go through messy public divorces, Black people who wave the black power fist, but turn out to be in relationships with wyte men/women. And sit on the “Breakfast Club” talking about how Black people aren’t ready to receive reparations and need to become financially educated first. This from someone who made over a  MILLION dollars in donations disappear with ZERO accounting for it, and IMMEDIATELY after making his statements on the show, went back to begging for “donations”.

Our people SEE this nonsense and STILL follow AND DONATE?!


We listen to someone who shares his money with his wyte live in mother in law, while talking BLACK, BLACK, BLACKITY BLACK, and at the same time creating DIVISION within the diaspora based on… on… on… HAIRLINES?!?!

This is like some kind of surreal NIGHTMARE!


Back to controlled opposition.


If ANY of these pimps were actually doing something REVOLUTIONARY, they would have been silenced and/or de-platformed LONG ago!

And to those who want to say… “Nah, they’re message is just so powerful the powers that be can’t stop them!”

Love or hate Trump… he IS a rich wyte man and was a president of the United Snakes… and HE was silenced!

These people can’t silence who they choose? Julian Assange anyone?

Also, a look at the “twitter files” shows that these social media giants can and DO decide who is promoted and who is hidden from sight! That has been PROVEN time and time again, based upon THEIR OWN internal documents!

So, ANYONE who actually CHALLENGES the power structure WILL be shadow banned, silenced, or have their work taken down altogether. If someone, ANYONE Black is able to achieve a HUGE following, they may SEEM like they’re fighting against the power structure, but actually they are allowed to flourish (and in some cases PROMOTED), because they epitomize CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and NO THREAT to the standing structure… and are likely an aid TO it, but giving the masses of followers the ILLUSION they are “fighting the man”, when actually they are doing NOTHING and having a ZERO effect as far as tearing it down.

It is people like our beloved Sister Ajali who is out here FIGHTHING along with others you may never hear of because they are seeking to bring TRUTH, HEALING, UNIFICATION, SANITY to the conversation! We MUST stop falling for the hustles of these hustlers and charlatans who are only seeking their own fame and enrichment at the cost of the Black community!

I’m going to stop, but before I do, I just want to explain why I have such a PROFOUND disdain for these freakin’ phonies… ALL of them… it is because when someone REAL, like myself, or Sister Ajali, or Lashid4u and others come along, all we get is a HARD WAY TO GO, because people look on and look at our work with suspicion because EVERY TIME YOU TURN AROUND… some HUCKSTER is out here, who eventually gets exposed as the phony they ARE! And it makes people think we’re ALL out here on some kind of hustle.

It is SO “F’ed” up!

Worse… the people who are REALLY ABOUT IT get blocked, locked and silenced, while the charlatans are given a BLOW HORN!

Human nature being what it is, our people look and see big numbers, large views and slick presentations and feel the person MUST know what they’re talking about… right? And these TINY channels, with the fewest views, out of our kitchens should just be ignored, I guess.

Back to Trump.

Before they silenced him on social media, he had larger numbers and views and slicker production values than any of our people could ever DREAM of… did that mean he was RIGHT or made any SENSE?!

We are being PLAYED ladies and gentlemen!